Better Health
Financial Breakthrough
Significant Success was founded in November 2020 during the peak of COVID-19 outbreak, a worldwide pandemic that led to an unprecedented challenge to public health and the global economy. It started as an independent social revolution by founder Julie Ann Villanueva, to reach out and ignite hope to families worldwide for a life-changing experience of having Better Health, Financial Breakthrough and Significant Success despite all odds. aligns its vision and mission with Max International, a US based company that is determined to lead the wellness and nutritional industry in delivering cutting edge glutathione-accelerator products based on science and science-based proprietary formulations. Hand in hand with Max International, provides an avenue for income opportunities among its associates who desire to achieve financial freedom and significant success. The long-term vision and legacy of is to build a community of MAXified families and individuals who are also willing to reach out to the underprivileged families and extend to them the same hope for a better life ahead.
Look. Feel. Live to the Max! Discover the life-changing benefits of Glutathione (the master antioxidant) and see how it radically works to improve your health and overall wellness.
Get your Max products at a discounted price and earn your way through our 8 ways to earn by Becoming a member or a Preferred Customer. Join us and be a part of our growing MAXified circle worldwide!
Join us in the Max Revolution of reaching out to more than a 100 families worldwide, starting with one family at a time! Consider yourself and your family in! Start your max journey today!
Max GXL has unique N-acetylcysteine (NAC) formula from natural ingredients that empowers our body to manufacture its natural antioxidant: GLUTATHIONE.
MaxGXL has a unique N-acetylcysteine formula with all natural ingredients empowering our body to produce its master antioxidant: Glutathione (GSH).
Essential for the natural production of powerful antioxidant-glutathione
May improve psychiatric disorders and addictive behavior
Boosts brain health
May stabilize blood sugar by decreasing inflammation in fat cells
Strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process
Helps with detoxification to prevent or diminish kidney and liver damage
Helps relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions
May improve fertility in both men and women
May reduce heart disease risk by preventing oxidative damage
Supports cellular function and health
Some of the many use cases of glutathione.
Glutathione is responsible for eliminating many different environmental poisons.
Healthy heart
The first-line of defense against such "oxidative stress" is glutathione.
Healthy kidney
The kidneys are highly dependent on adequate supply of glutathione to maintain normal function.
Healthy lungs
Glutathione is a protective antioxidant against oxidative/nitrosative stresses, which plays a key role in the control of pro-inflammatory processes in the lungs.
MaxGXL with advanced N-acetylcysteine (NAC) formula helps treat the root cause of PCOS by improving insulin sensitivity, lowering androgen, improving fertility, and regulating menstrual cycle.
MaxGXL with advanced N-acetylcysteine (NAC) formula improves insulin sensitivity.
I started taking MaxGXL in January 2022. Before that time I had sleep problems, low energy throughout the day, bad focus, fatigued easily, and whole lot of mental and physical stress. Im 33 years old but I feel like im in my late 50's or 60's. I knew something had to be done. When I took MaxGXL, a week after, my sleep was so much better. I dont wake up tired in the morning, I get 6 - 8 full hours of undisturbed sleep and without any difficulty in falling asleep. After 2 weeks, I had more energy, was less tired, felt less stressed, and the fatigue I felt was gone like a huge boulder off my back. I started working out again and as I continued using MaxGxl I progressed more and more in my journey to optimal physical and mental health. Now, Im doing Olympic Weightlifting, High intensity workouts, strength training, and Yoga for 5-6 days a week at 2 -3 hours per day. Im maintaining my focus for my Masters degree and still have the clarity and energy to finish all my work projects on time. Im taking nothing else but MaxGXL because I trust in this product and the science behind it. I am at the BEST physical, mental, and financial condition of my life right now and it's all thanks to MAX INTERNATIONAL and MaxGXL. I urge EVERYONE, healthy or unhealthy, to take it and LIVE THE LIFE YOU DESERVE.
John Thomas G. Pua, RPm
When I started taking MaxGXL (April, 2020), I couldn't drive yet due to extreme pain on my right knee brought by osteoarthritis. I need to take 1 tab pain meds daily plus knee support with pain topical ointment. As I continued taking MaxGXL, the pain turned less intense and bearable. 2 weeks after, I already stopped my pain meds because I am feeling so much better! Until now I am still using MaxGXL as my maintenance. This has truly helped me a lot and I encourage everyone to take it also especially during this time of pandemic.
Heidee B. Remo, PHRN, USRN
4 years ago when I was still new in NZ, I had this stiffness, swelling and pain in my hands. I experience it every morning upon waking up and I thought maybe because of the cold weather here. So I tried applying cream on my hands every night and wore gloves to hopefully ease my pain and discomfort, unfortunately, it kept recurring. So I decided to see a rheumatologist who, after further tests, diagnosed me to have Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) which is an autoimmune disorder. I was prescribed to take steroids which I actually turned down due to fear of undesirable side effects. I suffered from RA for 6 months until a friend of mine introduced me to MaxGXL. After weeks of consistently taking the product, I noticed significant improvement in my hands until finally the swelling, stiffness and pain are gone. I thank God for MaxGXL. Now I am full of energy, I feel productive at work and my immune system is strengthened because of Max!
Amado Andre Cortes, PTRP
Get your Max products at a discounted price and earn your way through our 8 ways to earn by Becoming a member or a Preferred Customer. Join us and be a part of our growing MAXified circle worldwide!